Monday, September 30, 2013

Every prescription has its story

Today I was talking to Tim( my mentor) about the patient care aspect of being a pharmacist, and how each patient that he has relys on him to give the most accurate information on how to handle the drug, which if not handled correctly could be dangerous. He also was telling me about how important it was to deal with patients who were also customers since he owned the pharmacy and that making sure they were satisfied was a good way to keep them coming back.

Basically, that meant when a senior citizen comes in(like hundreds did) and decided they could spend the next hour and a half chillin and talking about the glory days, you had to made sure that they felt as comfortably as possible. Like when this guy came in, maybe in his late 60's, and decided to stay for awhile after recieving his medication and my mentor said I could handle this one. So I wasn't to excited to hear why he was getting his medication but it was actually intresting, he was a retired airmen who flew expiremental aircraft for the military and in one test, was shot out of a plane without him knowing about it and it completely left his back like a train wreck. I really enjoyed the time talking to him, and that was only one patient. It made me realize how important the patients are and I feel will give me more perspective to use in my senior project.

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